it's been a long week. last sunday. accident happened.
hancur persona itu, dibawa laju.
nak sorokkan sikit calar. 'calar' besar yang nampak.
dalam satu kejadian. terselindung dirty little secret.
i'm already 20 but still an amature. *take that!
susah nak lari dari mistake.
it's in our hand. it gifted from a person.
choice is: to gain or to maintain.
nak gain. memang susah. tapi nak maintain.
effect: stay or lose
having it back
depends: probably or possibly
seems to be the hardest word
either to: say or listen
semua bergantung to an open heart
whether to: accept or reject
memang susah. *dont play-play!
because living in a chest with a guilty heart is not easy.
no other choice. than to be strong enough.
to get the heart out from the chest.
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5 years ago